If You Have a Sense of Humour . . .

You’ll appreciate my picks for all-time best comedy flicks

A few days ago, my friend (and yours) Juan Barbosa posted about my favourite comedy movie of all-time.

It’s in my top five movies of any genre to repeatedly watch as well, but we’re focusing on the funny stuff today.

In fact, I have to give props to my buddy and longtime co-worker Matt Walker for putting me on to this movie many moons ago as I had missed it in theatres.

The following quote is a hint on which one I’m talking about: “I know who I am! I’m a dude playing a dude, disguised as another dude! You a dude who don’t know what dude he is.”

Quotes, gifs and clips from this movie continue to be used to break deadline day tensions, cause random laughter, and just brighten up our days.

The best part is the number-1 movie on this list probably would never be made in today’s ultra-sensitive media environment – or maybe it would, as a counter-culture expression of anti-wokeness.

The questions I asked when making this list include: How many times have I rewatched them? Do I quote funny lines with my friends to make us laugh? Are they as funny now as they were when they were made?

On that note, here is my list of the Top Ten Comedy Movies of all-time . . . order from one to ten.

READER WARNING: Some movie clips contain (very) coarse language.

Tropic Thunder. This 2008 movie has more amazing lines than anyone can possibly imagine with fantastic comedic performances throughout. It’s also full of stereotypes and is a wonderful satire of the movie industry. Tom Cruise as a horrifyingly insensitive Hollywood studio boss is phenomenal. 

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. A holiday favourite in many a household. The phrase “shitter’s full” became a part of everyday lexicon and yuletide lore. A classic comedy for all time.

The Blues Brothers. Dan Akroyd and John Belushi on a “mission from God” is one of the most fun movies ever made. Part comedy, part adventure, part musical, and all good.

Beverley Hills Cop (I, II, & III). Yeah, I’m putting all three of Axel Foley’s adventures on one line because they were fantastic, and I’ll watch them time and again. Still as funny as they were when they were released for those of us who can remember those times and haven’t lost our sense of humour.

Fletch. Perhaps it’s the journalist in me, but Fletch is as all-time great and vastly underrated by history. Chevy Chase as the title character gives his best performance (yes, even better than his Clark Griswold role) as an investigative reporter who goes undercover to bust a drug ring, but ends up in a murder-mystery.

Coming To America. The legendary Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, and everyone else involved hit comedy gold with this 1988 film. I haven’t met anyone personally who doesn’t like the original Coming To America and enjoys this timeless quote, “Yes, yes, F*** You Too!”

Anchorman. The Legend of Ron Burgundy will live forever and ever. Stay classy.

Caddyshack. All you need to know is who’s in it: Rodney Dangerfield, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, and a clever gopher. Oh, yeah, and it’s about a fun-loving self-made man (Dangerfield) joining a posh and exclusive golf club. Still holds weight to this day.

Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story. Vince Vaughn, Rip Torn and the five Ds of Dodgeball (dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge). Ben Stiller as the obnoxious villain. Still hilarious as ever.

PCU. Pre-Ari Gold Jeremy Piven in all his Jeremy Piven glory. Jon Favreau before he was Jon Favreau. David Spade as a straight-laced preppie conservative. That’s all you need to know.

Honourable Mentions in my fave comedies of all time …

Waiting. A cult classic amongst food and beverage workers everywhere. A must-watch for anyone has spent any meaningful time in the industry.

Major League. Even if you don’t like baseball, you’ll love this movie. Vintage Charlie Sheen. And up-and-coming Wesley Snipes. Tom Berenger and Corbin Bernsen when they were still relevant. Plenty of comedic moments and an underdog versus the world storyline: it’s a win!

Happy Gilmore. Adam Sandler in the title role providing plenty of laughs and inspirational moments. Oh, and making the line, “the price is wrong, bitch” famous.

Grown-Ups (I & II). I love Adam Sandler movies in their simplistic, funny escape from what troubles you in life. Old school tunes, great comedic acting from Sandler and friends, and often basic storylines that don’t make you think too much to enjoy them.

Van Wilder. The naturally funny Ryan Reynolds in all his sarcastic, aloof awesomeness. This movie turned me off of any cream filled pastry for years. If you don’t what I’m talking about, just watch it. The only drawback is the formula for funny university comdedies was well in place, and they pretty much followed it to a tee.

M.A.S.H. The original 1970 movie that sparked one of the best TV shows of all-time is one of the darker comedies due to its take on the real Korean war. Donald Sutherland and Elliott Gould are wonderful as the stars with their witty and wry humour shining throughout.

Animal House. John Belushi. Togas. University frat parties. The movie party animals everyone wanted to be like and tried to recreate in their youth. This movie set the bar for ensemble comedy casts for generations to come.

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  1. Great list! I’d like to add a few, if I may.

    When you mentioned quoting lines from a movie, I immediately thought of “Airplane” with Leslie Neilsen. “Don’t call me Shirley”.

    For Christmas comedies, “Christmas Vacation” is, of course, the classic. But I also love “Elf” with Will Ferrell. A very sweet Christmas comedy.

    Most people think of “Caddyshack” when they think of Bill Murray, but I also think of “Groundhog Day”. I could watch that movie over and over and over and over ….

    And in your honourable mentions you included MASH for sparking the TV series. I would also include The Odd Couple with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau for sparking that TV series. (But then I’m much older than you are …)

    Thanks for this column. Now I have some new comedies to check out!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Airplane!! I love that one! Elf too!
      Groundhog Day was on the cusp of this list as well.
      The Odd Couple is great. I haven’t seen “Don’t Call Me Shirley,” but I’ve heard of it. I’ll check that one out!


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