Some Schools Started in Early August

My friends love their modified school calendar

Putting aside the joy many of us are feeling today as we dropped our children off, at the bus stop, or sent them walking to school, it is time to really engage the TLDSB community about a modified school year calendar.

A few weeks ago I met with some friends and inevitably the conversation turned to what are the children up to. Most of us were saying, “I can’t wait until September 5.”

However, my cousin Sam and his wife Courtney’s kids had already returned to school because their board offers a modified calendar that spreads out vacation times throughout the year.

They’re in the Durham District School Board, which has two schools offering modified school year programming. Students attend school year-round with a month off in July and more days off strewn throughout the year.

And my friends – plus the other parents they know in the program – absolutely love it! Extra vacation days at various times means not having to make travel plans at the same time as most.

They notice their kids learning is more balanced with one less month of summer. There is also less feeling of “parent burnout.”

As well, the kids don’t mind because they’re doing it with their friends. It’s also a great opportunity for more outdoor learning days when the sun is shining. It will be interesting to see in the future how grades, student successes compare to those on traditional calendars.

Oh, and it’s a great opportunity to do some fun outdoor couple things mid-week in August like golf, swimming, paddling and whatever else you fancy since you don’t have to worry about childcare.

For the Durham school board, this year’s modified calendar started on August 8. They had a PD Day on August 31, a Board Holiday on September 1 and of course Labour Day (a national statutory holiday) on September 4. That meant a five-day holiday for their families, which was welcome after three weeks of five-day school weeks.

Here’s a very interesting item: This year’s calendar gives the kids almost two weeks off from school in mid-October. What a great time to plan a flight somewhere for a good prices and not have to worry about the kids missing too much school.

They have the same Christmas break as the rest of us, but an extra week in March and a week in May.

Each time my faux cousin Sam (we’re not technically related but may as well be) spoke about the school year, he smiled. I don’t know many parents who do that in mid-August.

On that note, he did mention it took a certain number of parents and families to sign up for the program – there are well over 100 kids enrolled in the modified school year at their school – and teachers/administrators/support staff willing to work on that schedule.

While I don’t think every school in Ontario would be moving to this – if it did, some of the benefits would lose their luster – but I do believe every board should be offering this opportunity at least one school per community.

For us, I think it should start with next year’s Grade 7 French Immersion program at Huntsville Public School. Oh, and Grade 11 courses at Huntsville High.

Or whatever works. But, the discussion should be had and taken seriously by all involved.

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