Things That Don’t Make Sense

Love it or hate it, there are some truly ridiculous ideas out there and we’re taking a look at them …

I like to read lots of stories from around the globe and here at home to keep abreast of what’s going on.

And every so often I stumble upon stories and ideas that range from the “give your head a shake” to the outright asinine.

It was reading a couple local stories recently that the idea for this regular addition to the blog, and we’ll list them least ridiculous to most ridiculous.

More funding for Muskoka Tourism?

So, as reported by many media outlets – most of whom just ran a press release – the mostly tax supported marketing agency known as Muskoka Tourism has received a significant increase in annual funding to do it’s job.

The problem is that it’s job of marketing the region is already being performed by Explorers’ Edge, the chambers of commerce, media entities, marketing departments in each municipality, and private businesses doing their own marketing.

Rather than ask the apt question of “why are we spending more tax dollars on a organization that is no longer relevant?” the District council just went ahead and gave them even more money than they normally receive.

With so many others doing good work to market our area in Canada and around the globe, that extra funding would have been better served to enhance what we have to offer those visitors.

A few ideas include covered outdoor recreational areas, a proper indoor multi-sport fieldhouse and facility, more public art venues to showcase local creators, and other enhancements to organically attract tourism through sports and entertainment events.

What’s in a name?

Yet another likely unaffordable subdivision is being built in the Muskoka Road 3 N./Earl’s Road/Golf Course Road area (or perhaps it’s an extension of the existing ones).

Recently the developer asked the Town of Huntsville to approve geographically and environmentally associated road names for still to be developed roadways.

In the request, the developer says they want to “honour” the native species in the area whilst tearing down and destroying the very habitat the species live in, not to mention the species themselves.

If the developer cared so much about these species, they would be finding other areas to buy and develop where the environment would be much less harmed.

But, hey, at least the names on the concrete roads will remind people what used to be there before the area was culled for so-called “progress.”

B.C. keeps giving addicts more and more rights

If you haven’t heard about this, it’s an important story to follow because it is a fantastic example of what happens when extreme leftist thinking takes over a province (or a country).

Already a ridiculously leftist extremist paradise that has allowed drug addictions and overdoses to run rampant in various areas in recent years, British Columbia is trying to become as lawless as possible with no regard for children, the elderly, or any regular hardworking resident.

After decriminalizing pretty much every drug under the sun for personal use (determined to be 2.5 grams or less), with reasonable regulations prohibiting drug use at schools and child care facilities.

Then an amendment prohibiting use within use within 15 metres of a playground, skate park or “outdoor spray pool or wading pool.”

Pretty reasonable, right? Go ahead and do damage to your own mind, body and soul as long as you’re respecting public spaces where children and youth congregate.

Well, not so fast, the hardcore woke leftists on the West Coast can’t abide by reasonable rules to prevent drug addicts from doing whatever they want where ever they want, no matter who it hurts.

And an injunction to this act – one that would decriminalize a wide range of narcotics – was asked for and issued by the B.C. courts because these drug addicts would not have their full rights to do whatever they want … of course, this injunction ignored the rights of proper law-abiding citizens, seniors and children to live and play in peace.

Just so we’re clear, I believe those with addictions need help with their issues and am happy to see funding go towards that. But, this isn’t about that.

This is about these drug addicts being allowed to leave needles lying around parks and playgrounds and anywhere else so they’re not “demonized” by society.

The good news is that several British Columbia communities and municipalities are ready to fight against this ridiculous idea that drug addicts should have more rights than others, and the injunction only runs until March 31.

In the meantime, there is a rising support for strict anti-drug legislature being proposed by those municipalities in B.C. who are sick and tired of the extreme leftist nonsense being shoved down their throats.

We’ll keep abreast of how that goes down out West.

Apparently, it’s okay to be anti-semitic, but not anti-terrorist?

I posted a paraphrase of the following on social media the other day and I stand by it, “if you want to support Hamas and be pro-Hamas, then get out of Canada and go live, eat and fight with Hamas.”

This flurry of pro-Hamas groups – including several corners of the Pride community (we’ll get to that later in this thread) – are under the guise of wanting to protest innocents dying in Palestine but then have no sympathy for the innocent lives lost in the most gruesome of ways in Israel on October 7.

Apparently it’s okay to call for genocide on the Jewish people, set fire to or bomb synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses, basically threaten to kill innocent Jewish people in the streets, and all other manner of anti-Semitic behaviour, but let’s not dare say anything bad about Hamas.

After all, they’re “freedom-fighters” protecting an “oppressed” people. The only problem is that it’s all propaganda and nonsense perpetrated by an organization that under international law are considered terrorists.

That’s not to say there isn’t propaganda and spin on the side of the Israelis, but it’s to say for some reason no one wants to acknowledge the complexity of the situation from both sides.

The woke mob of hypocritical pricks is letting the Hamas propaganda machine brainwash them (mind you, they’re sheep and easily brainwashed) to the point where women’s groups and Pride groups are supporting this nonsense and spouting anti-Semitic tropes.

Just so we’re clear: anyone of the LGBTQIA2s+ people who would live in a country run by Hamas would no longer be alive – you would be illegal as a person. As well, women’s groups and women’s rights would not be legal.

Yet, certain factions (not very intelligent factions) of these groups are outright supporting a terrorist organization who would happily behead them along with the Israelis and Jewish people … that’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen in a while.

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