Opinion: Appreciate Your Relationships

Whether a work acquaintance or your partner in life, building and maintaining each of these connections is a source of pride

I was recently asked an intriguing question during a Zoom meeting that caught me slightly off guard, which isn’t easy to do.

The question was: Is there a relationship you have that you are particularly proud of?

My first reply was, “there are so many, choosing just one is difficult.”

I then picked one that popped into my mind because it started out rocky but has blossomed into a beautiful friendship – from a grumpy beginning to literal hugs upon seeing each other.

But there are so many amazing personal relationships that I have nurtured over the years that I’m proud of; we could have spent hours discussing them all.

Some are simply quality acquaintances that I could have a coffee a good conversation with, others are lifelong friendships that will last until we’re mere specs of dust on the cosmic plain.

And there are so many in between: the coach-player relationships, work relationships, client relationships, soccer club friendships, volunteer friends, and on and on and on.

There are players I’ve coached who will give me a hug when I see them, others who tease me and I tease back and we both laugh, employers who would hire me in a heartbeat because of the respect I earned through hard work and dedication, and of course those who would drop everything if I was in need (and vice versa).

Or even the old friends who I’ve been reconnecting with the past couple of years as our lives have somehow crossed paths again in a variety of ways.

None of the aforementioned includes the amazing bonds I have with my beautiful wife, fantastically charismatic children, parental units, grandparents, aunts, cousins, and all the other close family and extended family members who have graced our lives.

Really taking stock of it all gives perspective to where we are in our lives, what is really important, and how much we do have in terms of personal connections and love. It’s an unbelievable feeling.

So, in retrospect, the true answer will never be just one relationship I’m most proud of because I’m proud of all the relationships that I’ve developed and nurtured throughout my lifetime.

In writing this and coming to that conclusion, I hope to spur on all those who read this piece to take stock of their own relationships and connections. It’s quite cathartic on an emotionally down day.

Ciao For Now!

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